Trauma-Informed Somatic Dialogue

Emotions Are Hard!

Sometimes you’re just overwhelmed by them, and it’s hard to cope.

It’s hard to go about your day-to-day activities when underlying emotions are brewing a storm.

You might be having a hard time being present with your partner, your children, your pet or yourself.

When you ignore your emotions and push them away, they often become worse and even manifest as physical pain.


There is an easier way.

With support, you can tend to your painful emotions without pushing them away or being overcome by them.

You can find out what those emotions are trying to tell you; what message they have, and what they need.

In this way, they don’t have to scream so loudly at you.

How Somatic Dialogue Helps

Mental and physical traumas both affect your body. You just can’t see the mental ones. But you can feel them!

This is where emotional pain and many kinds of unexplained physical pains come into play.

In a Somatic Dialogue session, you are guided to connect first with your body’s sensations and then with your thoughts and emotions.

The guided dialogue helps you engage the creative part of your mind in a way that helps you find answers and see solutions which were previously buried under all of your emotion.

Your practitioner guides you to relax into your sensations and emotions and welcome welcome all of it. In this way, you are able to communicate with all the parts of yourself to find out what you need.


It’s worth the effort!

It can be scary to go into your emotions and sensations, but the result is that you actually heal.

You may feel exhausted after a session, but you will feel so much more relaxed and peaceful because of the work you just did.

You will notice that you have less physical and emotional pain, and that you will be able to relax and focus much more easily in your day-to-day life.

Depending on how deep the roots of your pain run, you may need several sessions to completely clear it, but you will find the work gets easier and easier each time.



This is a podcast that will take you through the Somatic Dialogue Process

And here are two resources to learn the language of feelings and needs. Feelings: Needs:

If you want to communicate better with your loved ones, this technique will help! Book a Somatic Dialogue session where I will take you in-depth through the process, help you get very comfortable with your emotions and sensations, and discover their underlying needs.

A single session is $200, and a package of four sessions is $600. You can book the first one, and if you decide to do the package deal later, add the initial $200 to the total cost.