Relationship Coaching

Imagine a world where every action you take is based in self-respect, love, and trust.


Why Coaching?

There is a version of yourself, a dream you have of who you can become, but you’ve tried to get there and aren’t seeing results, so you think there’s something wrong with you. You have a deeply engrained suspicion that you don’t have what it takes, and the voices in your brain keep confirming that, so you feel stuck.

You want to feel close in your relationships, but something seems to keep getting in the way, and you feel frustrated, alienated, and numb. 

Relationships seem to be so hard, and you wonder if you’ll ever belong and feel connected to others because the truth is you don’t feel safe enough to be yourself around people.

You either keep people at arm’s length or do everything you can to please them just to discover you have lost touch with who you are and what you want. 

You have been healing from past (and even generational) trauma and are determined to end the legacy with you, so you need some supportive tools to replace those old non-supportive patterns.



Having compassionate, supportive voices in your brain instead of judgy ones that punish you for every mistake you make. 

Consistently moving toward the things your heart is asking you to do and living your purpose. 

Trusting yourself so much that you can say no to what you don’t want and say yes to what you want with confidence. 

Being able to identify and articulate your feelings and needs and be yourself around others. 

Getting out of control dramas and creating peace, joy, and cooperation in your relationships. 

Never again walking on eggshells around other people.

Creating the kind of safety for yourself and others that you never had in your early life but desperately wished you had.


You are not alone!

Often the problem is elusive, like fog blurring the edges. This gives you the feeling of being stuck. Clarity is power! I will help you clarify the problem so we can focus on the solutions. 

It’s not that you don’t have what it takes. It’s that you don’t have the right tools and an actionable plan… yet. 

The path to your destination is not straight because you are a complex human like everyone else. However, it is that winding journey we take together that helps you uncover and replace the non-supportive beliefs and habits that have kept you stuck.

All of the relationships in your life reflect the one you have with yourself and all the parts of you; mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Therefore, as you learn to identify and make space for your feelings and needs, and practice self-compassionate, your relationships become healthier and more fulfilling.

Past experiences have created the beliefs you have about yourself now, so in our coaching journey, I will help you create different experiences that give you a knowing of your worth and the ability to make the changes you want in your life and relationships. 


Coaching helps you gain momentum and confidence.

As a Coach, I help you get clear on what you want, where you are now, where you want to be, what’s in the way, and how to move past those obstacles.

Together, we create a unique plan to take action and cultivate the habits that will bring what you want for your health, happiness, relationships, or work goals.

Through a regular cadence of accountability, you are able to turn these actions into habits that will bring the success you desire.

I can see your progress even when you can’t, and I can remind you of how kick-ass you are even when things are tough and it seems like you’re not making progress.

What to expect from Coaching

In your first coaching session, we get very clear on what you want then break it down into small, actionable steps that you can take consistently.

In your subsequent coaching sessions, we see what went well, what your opportunities for improvement are, and determine the small tweaks you can make to the plan for the upcoming week to get closer and closer to your goals.

I help you follow through on your plans and track your progress. When non-supportive beliefs and thoughts arise, we address those and re-train your brain with supportive ones.

When you invest in yourself and commit time and money to make yourself and your goals a priority, and when you take consistent action, you will be amazed at what you can do!

Are you ready for a change?

Contact me today, to have a conversation and see if we will be a good fit to work together.  If so, we will begin mapping out your road to feeling extraordinary and confident.





Adam’s Story​

Hello readers! Here is my experience with Adinah’s coaching process. May it help support any indecision you may have, leading you to a more empowered and joyful life. ~Adam Bucci

The Before

I was struggling to achieve fulfillment and peace of mind in the day-to-day grind and was seeking another to help keep me honest and true to the work I create. To give context, I’m a designer by trade, a writer at heart, and live in the world of ideas. I am comfortable with creating art for others, but when it came to creating art for myself, I hid under the rock of perfectionism. My fear of presenting myself to the outside world was slowly dampening my soul, and my refusal to ask for help because I believed I could do it all, was isolating. I was an island. The antidote, a bridge. Enter Adinah.

The Process

Every Friday for the next 100 days, Adinah held the space for my discomforts and crafted a plan to address my surface rising goals, while shining a light on unconscious belief structures that were inhibiting my growth potential. I kept a journal of my weekly experience, taking note of where her 4 questions presented themselves in my life. Not every week was easy, not every week was hard. But the work was simple. Her process, compassion, and wealth of knowledge far extended outside the realm of an accountability buddy and was an experience I take with me to this day.

The After

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you will feed him for a lifetime.”
Adinah taught me how to fish. It is easier for me to create the work that matters to me, and share it with the world. Sharing my work that mattered and having another find it meaningful, created a feedback loop of fulfillment and joy. I cannot thank Adinah enough for the work that she does and hope that whoever reads this finds it helpful.
Thank you Adinah!



​Kelly’s Story

Kelly Mooney started out feeling very anxious about her work, her health, her husband’s health, and her children going off to college. She was above the weight she wanted and didn’t exercise. She felt very disorganized in her physical space and in her mind. She was working a lot, but not earning the kind of money she wanted.

With Adinah’s coaching support, she learned to make her health a priority, cultivated a habit of working out every day, doing meal planning and prep, reading books, and listening to positive informational audio material instead of watching TV and the news.

She cleaned up and organized her physical space at home and in the office which helped her focus her previously fractured attention and create consistency. She is now down 22 pounds, very calm and organized, and very little slips through the cracks. She says, “There is a lot less Xanax in my life, and I am feeling extraordinary!”

Getting her personal routines dialed in around sleep, nutrition, exercise, and mental hygiene made space for her to focus and helped her take time to improve her business techniques and client experience.

She started working smarter instead of harder, started charging more for her work, and created a passive income. She simplified her business and honed what she wanted so that she could create a brand that was in alignment with herself.

She says that the business success and body habits she formed went hand-in-hand. As she prioritized her well-being and dialed in her routines, her business boomed. As a wonderful, yet unexpected side-effect, her family members became inspired and are creating self-care habits as well.

Results speak louder than promises!

“Self-care coaching has created awareness around accountability to myself. It sounds selfish, but taking care of things I need first is huge in removing roadblocks so I can take care of others. Adinah’s coaching is about focusing on yourself – just like physical training. In the past I have been so concerned with others that I put myself last, but then I am in a poor mood, and that affects everyone. Now as I put myself first, I am more available.”

– Curtis Maddox, CEO of Engin Creative

“Coaching with Adinah has made a huge difference in my ability to focus on the positive portion of my growth as I create the new habits I want. With my ADD, the positive reinforcement allows me to focus on creating what I want instead of getting lost in discouragement when I struggle Having the external source of accountability each week has been especially good in keeping me on track and guided my focus forward.”

– Eric Westwood

​”Adinah’s coaching has been pivotal in my self-care. As a very busy business owner, I found that even though I ‘knew better,’ I was continually putting myself at the bottom of the to-do list. Over time, it started to affect my health, my relationships, and my business. Even though I knew what to do and what I “should” be doing, I just simply wasn’t doing it.

Working with Adinah, we formulated a plan for me to get back to putting myself at the top of my to-do list and she holds me accountable to this plan. As a result, I am seeing a major difference in my energy level, my relationships, and my performance at work. I had no idea how much it was costing me – emotionally, physically, and financially. Working with her has been a fantastic investment.”

-Kelly O’Neil