Life Coaching

Develop the practice of loving self-discipline, and you’ll achieve your goals. 


Be the change you wish to see.

Having more compassion, sustainability, and love in our world is totally possible, and it starts with having that for yourself. You are part of the fabric of society, therefore you affect it.

Your actions reinforce your beliefs, and as you prioritize your goals and your well-being and take action every day to support them, you train yourself that you are valuable, you have what it takes, and you can trust yourself.

All of the relationships in your life reflect the one you have with yourself and all the parts of you; mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Therefore, as you practice compassionate self-discipline, your relationships become healthier and more fulfilling.


The game is won in the arena of taking action, observing, correcting, and taking action again.

Empowerment comes from making a decision, taking action on it, checking the results, and modifying until you get the outcome you want.

Strength, direction, and focus come from setting an intention, planning, and consistently taking steps over time along that path.

As you forge this path, you will feel more joy and excitement for life, and you will see it replace overwhelm, anxiety and depression.


You are not alone!

Life seems to be full of stuff that needs to be done, and there are so many things that demand your attention. It can be distracting and discouraging.

It is common to put off doing the little things that support your well-being and goals, especially when they have no immediate and obvious effect on you and others.

Until you notice yourself losing the energy you once had, letting your health go, snapping at your spouse, kids, or co-workers or you find yourself trying to tune everyone out by watching TV or eating. You start believing you don’t have what it takes, so you stop trying.

If you are stuck in this cycle don’t worry. This is where coaching comes in.


Coaching helps you gain momentum and confidence.

As a Life Coach, I help you get clear on what you want, where you are now, where you want to be, what’s in the way, and how to move past those obstacles.

Together, we create a unique plan to take action and cultivate the habits that will bring what you want for your health, happiness, and business or work goals.

Through a regular cadence of accountability, you are able to turn these actions into habits that will bring the success you desire.

As your coach, I am able to see your progress even when you can’t, and I can remind you of how kick-ass you are even when things are tough and it seems like you’re not making progress.

What to expect from Coaching

In your first coaching session, we get very clear on what you want then break it down into small, actionable steps that you can take consistently.

In your subsequent coaching sessions, we see what went well, what your opportunities for improvement are, and determine the small tweaks you can make to the plan for the upcoming week to get closer and closer to your goals.

I help you follow through on your plans and track your progress. When non-supportive beliefs and thoughts come up, we address those and re-train your brain with supportive ones.

When you invest in yourself and commit time and money to make yourself and your goals a priority, and when you take consistent action, you will be amazed at what you can do!

Are you ready for a change?

Contact me today, to have a conversation and see if we will be a good fit to work together.  If so, we will begin mapping out your road to feeling extraordinary and confident.




“I was at a place in life where I knew something needed to change and decided to have Adinah be my coach because of her ability to be present and authentic with people. 

During our work together, I felt Supported! That was important to me because in the busyness of life and in putting so much of ourselves out there, oftentimes, we don’t get enough support ourselves. 

The result I experienced through my coaching journey was having Adinah’s perspective, which helped me relax more and do the doing that needed to be done. 🙂

I value Adinah’s work because It enabled me to get back in touch with parts of myself I thought I lost. 

I would absolutely work with her again and recommend her as a coach to others.”

~Chantel HB



​Kelly’s Story

Kelly Mooney started out feeling very anxious about her work, her health, her husband’s health, and her children going off to college. She was above the weight she wanted and didn’t exercise. She felt very disorganized in her physical space and in her mind. She was working a lot, but not earning the kind of money she wanted.

With Adinah’s coaching support, she learned to make her health a priority, cultivated a habit of working out every day, doing meal planning and prep, reading books, and listening to positive informational audio material instead of watching TV and the news.

She cleaned up and organized her physical space at home and in the office which helped her focus her previously fractured attention and create consistency. She is now down 22 pounds, very calm and organized, and very little slips through the cracks. She says, “There is a lot less Xanax in my life, and I am feeling extraordinary!”

Getting her personal routines dialed in around sleep, nutrition, exercise, and mental hygiene made space for her to focus and helped her take time to improve her business techniques and client experience.

She started working smarter instead of harder, started charging more for her work, and created a passive income. She simplified her business and honed what she wanted so that she could create a brand that was in alignment with herself.

She says that the business success and body habits she formed went hand-in-hand. As she prioritized her well-being and dialed in her routines, her business boomed. As a wonderful, yet unexpected side-effect, her family members became inspired and are creating self-care habits as well.

Results speak louder than promises!

“Self-care coaching has created awareness around accountability to myself. It sounds selfish, but taking care of things I need first is huge in removing roadblocks so I can take care of others. Adinah’s coaching is about focusing on yourself – just like physical training. In the past I have been so concerned with others that I put myself last, but then I am in a poor mood, and that affects everyone. Now as I put myself first, I am more available.”

– Curtis Maddox, CEO of Engin Creative

“Coaching with Adinah has made a huge difference in my ability to focus on the positive portion of my growth as I create the new habits I want. With my ADD, the positive reinforcement allows me to focus on creating what I want instead of getting lost in discouragement when I struggle Having the external source of accountability each week has been especially good in keeping me on track and guided my focus forward.”

– Eric Westwood

​”Adinah’s coaching has been pivotal in my self-care. As a very busy business owner, I found that even though I ‘knew better,’ I was continually putting myself at the bottom of the to-do list. Over time, it started to affect my health, my relationships, and my business. Even though I knew what to do and what I “should” be doing, I just simply wasn’t doing it.

Working with Adinah, we formulated a plan for me to get back to putting myself at the top of my to-do list and she holds me accountable to this plan. As a result, I am seeing a major difference in my energy level, my relationships, and my performance at work. I had no idea how much it was costing me – emotionally, physically, and financially. Working with her has been a fantastic investment.”

-Kelly O’Neil