Emotions Masterclass Replays & Registration

Class Replays & Registration

#1 Setting The Foundation: In this class, you’ll learn about the power-with, no-fault mental model that we will use in all the other classes. It sets the foundations for everything else you’ll learn in the Emotions Masterclass, so I highly recommend taking an hour to watch it. Click here to watch the replay.

#2 Learning and Using the Language of Feelings and Needs: In this class, we take the work of the late Marshall Rosenburg in his work called Nonviolent Communication. You’ll learn to break down the stories you have about different circumstances to find and name the feelings and needs underlying what you or someone else did. Click here to watch the replay. 

#3 Embodying Emotions Through Somatic Dialogue: In this class, you will learn how to create enough safety internally and externally to really feel your emotions and receive their information. You will learn the difference between emotion and action so that you can welcome all emotions while calling out harmful actions. Click here to watch the replay.

#4 How to Support Yourself and Others in an Emotional Crisis: In June’s class, you will learn how to support yourself and your loved ones in an emotional crisis, either big or small. Feeling safe enough to process emotions is a critical component, and we will focus on that. In class, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice the skills. Click here to watch the replay.

#5) How to train your loved ones to treat you through empathy, clarity, and advocacy. In it, you will learn how to train your loved ones to treat you through empathy, clarity, and advocacy. We really do train each other how to treat us whether we’re consciously aware of doing it or not, so we might as well do it with intentionality. If you have been frustrated with how your family members or partner treat you, this class will help. Click here to watch the replay. 

#6) How to pull yourself out of loneliness and engage with your community in ways that feel good: For many of us, socializing is difficult enough, and the pandemic just made it harder. However, research shows that loneliness’s negative effects on our health are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes per day. If you’ve fallen into a habit of avoiding people, are feeling lonely, and want to re-engage with your community and friends but in a way that doesn’t feel forced, this class is for you. Click here to watch the replay.

If there is something you would love to learn and/or practice, please send me an email with your ideas. adinah@lifelongwellnesspdx.com


” Adinah was the first life coach I ever worked with and I was floored away by how much progress I made within the few months of working together. She helped set me up for success and gave me the tools I needed to step into this new phase of my life. I couldn’t be more grateful for the wisdom, insight, accountability, education, and encouragement she offered me in our sessions relating to financial independence, self-love, and healing. Hands down working with Adinah was one of the best choices I’ve ever made for myself in 2020! <3″ 

~Chelsea Cartabiano