Coaching is to Help You Become the Next Best Version of Yourself
Coaching is about you!
It’s about helping you create the relationship you want with your body, mind, and emotions. Why? Because your relationship with everyone in your life is a reflection of the one you have with yourself.
When you have your own back no matter what, you don’t get upset when others are. You are able to stay calm and think things through because you are still connected to your feelings and needs in every moment. This way you’re able to feel safe enough around other people to really enjoy their company and to ask for the things you need.
I can think of nothing more valuable than healing the relationship with yourself, deciding what you want, establishing and maintaining your boundaries, and communicating these things to others in a way they can really receive.
If all of this interests you, continue reading and see which offerings you would like to participate in.
Download my E-book, Nine Foundational Steps to Co-Create Wonderful Relationships
Would you like me to hang out in your inbox once a week and teach you how to have an amazing relationship with yourself so the rest of your relationships can be wonderful?
Listen and learn how to make your relationship with yourself amazing so that all your other relationships can be wonderful!
Coaching Conversation
My gift to you is a 90-minute coaching conversation where you can discover what, exactly you want in your relationships, what’s in the way, and what you can do to move past those obstacles.
This is a pure sample of the work I do with my clients, and if we both feel like we’re a good fit, I will invite you to hire me as a coach. Clarity is power, and whether or not you hire me, you will leave our conversation with enough clarity to take action in your life now.
Client Review:
“When I met Adinah and had her introductory call, what stood out to me was her astounding level of self-awareness while advocating for collaborative, positive change.
I decided to get coaching support because I was ready to step into my higher calling and truly dedicate my time and attention to supporting my ability to build a structure for my life and business that works with my unique proclivities as an individual.
During my work with Adinah, I felt very inspired, motivated, supported, and respected. I felt very safe and encouraged to take on the challenges before me. I really felt like a powerful agent and respected collaborator in this process.
By the end, I experienced a massive shift in the way I view myself! I found solidity, flexibility, and a means to work with myself through the process of leadership.
I started my business, began networking, and found numerous opportunities to grow my business and develop interpersonal, community-based relationships, which increased my monthly income by over $1k, and found a home where I could safely nest and build my business.
On the relationship front, I experienced a way to be with my own emotions and assertively communicate with friends, coworkers, and loved ones in a way that honors my truth and sense of well-being.
I am enriched by bolder boundaries, more rich sweetness in interpersonal time, and the peace of honest, transparent relationships.
I would love to work with Adinah again and highly recommend her work to others!
~Courtney Backes
Adinah’s Story
When I was 19, I wanted to leave this world because I saw so much violence and abuse within families and throughout the world.
I felt devastated by the disconnection and pain I experienced growing up in an abusive household, and by how powerless I felt to change it.
I desperately wanted a solution but didn’t see how I, a tiny drop in the bucket, could do anything to make a difference.
Then an idea struck me. What if I healed myself? What if that had a ripple effect on my family, friends, and clients? And what if they healed and inspired the people around them to do the same?
What if you could change the fabric of society by simply doing your own inner healing work?
That was something I could do. It was something I MUST do, for the only other acceptable choice for me was death, and I didn’t want that.
From that point on, I used all of my available resources to heal my relationship with my body, mind, emotions, spirit, (and finances). The idea worked!
Although it took many years, all of my relationships became healthy, happy, and respectful, and I see a clear path forward to a greater cultural shift that will completely eliminate violence and abuse among families and in our world.
Now I want to share the journey with you.
It’s simple, but not easy.
It’s powerful but scary.
It asks a lot of you, but it’s the best investment you could make into your life and others’.
I help people create blissful relationships in their life by becoming best friends with themselves and by developing self-trust through gaining clarity on what they want and consistently going after it with compassionate self-discipline.
My Coaching Values
Coaching is a way to help you see different perspectives. It’s hard to see the label of a bottle from the inside. It’s helpful to have another person’s point of view, especially when looking at the bigger picture. As a coach, my main job is to ask you enough questions to help you gain clarity on your own truth.
In coaching, I respect that you are a whole person who is moving to the next version of yourself, and not someone who is broken and needs to be fixed. You know yourself better than I ever will, and I trust you know what is best for you. I am here to guide you toward the things you say you want, not to tell you where to go.
Confidence comes from deciding on a course of action, taking it, and seeing the outcome. From there, you evaluate, decide and act again. As your coach, I help you practice courage as you step into the unknown, walk the path you say you want to, and help you see what’s working and where you are progressing.
What Makes Me Different as a Coach
I focus on inner work in conjunction with outer work.
After we’ve established what overall actions you believe will get you closer to your goal, in each session, we go over those actions, what went well, what opportunities for improvement you see, and what the next two week’s actions will be.
I practice compassionate discipline. This means I hold you accountable while reminding you of the things you are doing.
I go over the feelings and beliefs you have which may be getting in the way of taking action, and between sessions, you will have inner work assignments.
My goal is to help you develop and practice habits of successful action and thinking.
My 3 Criteria For Clients
- You have something bigger than yourself you want to create. A big dream. This is because when it gets hard.
- You are willing to take responsibility for your actions and take them consistently then process beliefs and emotions with me or as homework.
- You are willing to try new things and to communicate when things aren’t working or what you think could work better for you.
We meet for 6 months.
We have two 60-75 minute deep-dive sessions per month with action items for you to complete in between.
Our first session is a strategy session.
You get unlimited email support between deep dives.
Your investment is 6 monthly payments of (sliding scale) $250-$350 or a one-time payment of $1500-$2100.
You are responsible for scheduling and showing up to your coaching sessions or rescheduling them at least 48 hours in advance.
Please reply to my emails so I know you received them instead of your Spam box eating them.
What it’s like working with a coach:
I am like a dear friend who can see the best in you and is dedicated to coaxing it out of hiding. I feel honored to have the opportunity to play this role for you in one call or over the course of 6 months as your coach!